Facebook Pages redesigned

Have you heard the news? Facebook Pages are being redesigned!

Facebook announced a huge rollout to change the Facebook Page experience for creators and public figures. But what do these changes look like?

– A redesigned layout that’s simpler and more intuitive

– Dedicated News Feed to discover and join conversations, follow trends, interact with peers and engage with fans

– Easy navigation between personal profile and Pages

– Updated task-based admin controls giving trusted Page admins full control or partial access

– Actionable insights and more relevant notifications

– Safety and integrity features to detect spammy content and impersonator accounts

Image Credits: Facebook

What do these changes mean for you as a dentist?

One of the biggest changes is the removal of “Likes” due to the misrepresentation of a Page’s true popularity. It was discovered that many Facebook users may have once “Liked” a Page, but later unfollowed in an effort to remove the updates from their News Feed.
Now Facebook says Followers of a Page will be the metric at the forefront of the new experience, as it’s a better indication of how many people are fans and actively receiving updates from a Page.

Another important change is Pages having their own News Feed. This is incredible as it means your Page can represent your brand even further by participating in conversations with your online community, following trends and interacting with patients. What’s more important to note is that when a user follows a Page, they’ll see that Page’s comments bumped up to the top of the comments section, fantastic for increased visibility and according to Facebook, users will also be able to follow a Page directly from comments and recommended posts.

Image Credits: Facebook

Finally, the new Q&A format will allow Pages to engage with their fans on a new level. Page followers can ask the questions about treatments, the dental team or any concerns they may have and when the Page answers, those become a stack of questions that people can swipe through to learn more. Amazingly useful for those frequently asked questions at your dental practice.

How are you going to make the most of the new updates?

For more information please visit the Facebook Help Center.

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