The 7 Ps of dental marketing for excellent dental websites

Dental websites are essential for successful dental marketing in this era of digitalisation where everyone goes to Google to find what they are looking for. It is important that you have a dental website that ranks highly on Google so that it is easy to find by prospective patients who are looking to address their dental needs in your vicinity. Without a successful dental website, you will find it difficult to attract new patients or grow and build your dental practice. Speak to us at Dental Focus today to find out about creating a modern and bespoke dental website for your dental practice, or if you have a website, then we can enhance this website so that it is in keeping with the current trends of 2022.

Here at Dental Focus, we specialise in creating dental websites and have a portfolio of over 1000 dental websites from which we have gained much knowledge and expertise. We are proud to present the 7 Ps of dental marketing, which is our tried and tested formula for creating modern, bespoke and successful dental websites, and it has done so for almost 2 decades.

P for profile

To begin with, we address the profile of your dental practice; this includes your name, brand and USPs, and we will emphasise this throughout your website, especially on your homepage and landing page to help build brand awareness so that you become a familiar name throughout your community. We want people to associate your profile with good customer service and quality dental care, and we will advise that you build up a collection of Google ratings and reviews from your existing patients to help emphasise this further.

We will make sure that your homepage and landing page are both unique, interesting and engaging so that they encourage prospective patients to explore the rest of your website and leave their details or contact you directly to either find out more information or book an appointment to visit you in person.

P for people and premises

Next, we address the people on your team and the premises of the dental practice. These are two very important Ps of the marketing mix, and they help prospective patients to familiarise themselves with you and your team as well as find out more about your surroundings to help ease their nerves when they visit you in person.

P for price

The prices of your treatments are very important. Most patients will try to get the best deal possible. If you can offer better prices than the other dental practices in your area, then this is beneficial for you. If you have higher prices than your competitors, then we will work to emphasise the quality of dental care that you provide to justify your prices and help patients recognise your experience and expertise.

P for promise and products

We will promise your patients that you will provide them with fantastic dental care and excellent service, and we will prove this using the Google ratings and reviews as well as before-and-after pictures of successful treatments carried out at the practice. Finally, we will inform patients of individually tailored products in the form of treatment plans or smile makeovers that they can undergo here at your dental practice. Speak to us at Dental Focus today to find out more.