A guide to successful dental SEO from our marketing team

Marketing is an essential part of any business expansion, especially in dentistry, as most dental surgeries and services are found online. And in 2022, moving into 2023, the most popular and effective option for any business is online marketing and search engine optimisation (SEO).

But with the swiftly changing algorithm on Google and other search engines, it can be hard to stay up to date with what is relevant to SEO and marketing. However, it seems that even with the changing algorithms, there are some staples that every successful dental website needs.

At Dental Focus Marketing, we know exactly what is needed for successful dental SEO, and we will also ensure that your dental surgery page stays up to date with the most current trends too! We have nearly 20 years of experience in this area and will be able to offer you a targeted and personalised plan for your dental surgery. Great!

So, what are some of the staples of dental SEO that we have noticed in our time doing this, and does your dental surgery page tick every box? Read on to find out!

Make sure the page is quick!

First things first, the loading of the homepage has to be quick, preferably under 3 seconds.

If it isn’t, you may lose up to 90% of the people who visit your dental surgery’s website. So, the first tick box relating to dental SEO and higher ranking is that your home page loads promptly, as this will be easier for Google bots to spot.

Keyword searches

Each week in dental care, different subjects become popular.

For instance, suppose a celebrity speaks about having their teeth whitened; the searches for dental whitening options will go up. This is why it is important for your marketing to have a team who knows what the trends will be, helping you to reach marketing success. We will perform keyword searches to help your website stay relevant, scattering them throughout your surgery’s blog and the content of your page.

Unique articles

Google and other search engines do not like articles that are plagiarised.

So, to stay relevant with your dental surgery’s SEO, you will need to have completely unique articles. This can be challenging, but our writing team at Dental Focus Marketing know how to write relevant articles while keeping them free of plagiarism.

Mobile-friendly pages only!

It seems that everyone has either a smartphone or a tablet, and with the increase in the popularity of these devices comes the need for all websites to be accessible by both. If not, someone may load your dental surgery page only to have it appear stretched or glitching.

Luckily, our team can ensure that all the sections on your website page are mobile-optimised so that you can attract more people to your dental surgery.

Useful backlinks

The articles that are written by our team are short and to the point and offer backlinks to useful and informative websites about dental care. Useful backlinks to websites like the NHS and Bupa help build the authority of your website, once again allowing you to rank higher.