Attracting quality patients with good dental marketing

Dental marketing is important for all dental practices whether you are a newly formed business or you have been serving the community for many decades. You cannot rely on patient loyalty anymore and word-of-mouth referrals have also become a thing of the past. It is important to invest time and effort into digital dental marketing to make sure that you are in keeping with current trends and that you are able to stand out from amongst the competition.

To make sure you have a successful dental marketing campaign for your dental practice you need a modern and individualised dental website which has good search engine optimisation and is able to attract new patients for you on a regular basis. Speak to us at Dental Focus Marketing. We are a digital dental marketing team and with our knowledge and expertise we will help you make the most of the opportunities that digital marketing can bring for your dental practice. We have two decades of experience in creating highly attractive, modern and bespoke dental websites and we will make sure that your website is attracting quality website traffic that you can convert into patients at your practice.

Maintaining your website

Most dental practices have an existing website, however, to make sure that your website is a success it needs to be updated on a regular basis and well maintained, so that it continues to attract quality traffic. If your website is modern and professional then patients will assume the same about you and your business. Our specialist website design team will carry out regular website maintenance to make sure that it is working correctly at all times. We will apply a range of techniques to encourage visitors to explore all the different sections of your website and contact you to either book an appointment or find out more.

Simple marketing techniques

Making sure that your telephone number is clearly visible across the website is very important as phone bookings still remain popular amongst most patients. If a prospective patient calls you to find out more information it helps you identify their needs and it gives you the opportunity to quickly build rapport and encourage them to visit you in person.

By including your email address or a contact form on the website you are able to acquire the contact details of prospective patients and keep in touch easily, and conveniently. By using template emails on a regular basis you will be encouraging them to look after their teeth, visit the dental practice and address their dental needs with you.

SEO techniques will be applied across your website to make sure that you are able to achieve a good ranking on Google search results pages for dental searches that are carried out in your area. There are different types of SEO and our specialist digital marketing team will make sure that we have addressed technical SEO, on-page SEO and off-page SEO so that you have the best chance of climbing to the top of the search results lists. With a high ranking there is a greater chance of attracting quality website traffic. Speak to us at Dental Focus Marketing today to find out more about creating and maintaining a successful dental website with good SEO to help boost the success of your dental practice.