The importance of social media for dentists in an era of digital technology

Social media for dentists is a vital element of successful dental marketing in this era of digital technology. It involves using social media platforms and networks to promote your dental practice as well as the treatments and procedures that you have to offer, on a large scale. If you are thinking about how you can incorporate social media for dentists in your dental marketing then speak to us at a Dental Focus Marketing today to find out more. We are a digital dental marketing team and we have almost 20 years of experience in creating strong online presence, including social media for dentists, across the country. We will be able to help you put together an excellent marketing strategy using social media for dentists.

The use of social media in Australia

Dental marketing has shifted to digital dental marketing and over the last two decades we have seen that social media has become one of the most important components of the marketing mix. In 2021, research showed that 20.5 million people in Australia were active on social media and that almost 80% of the population have at least one social media account.

Without social media it is difficult for you to be in keeping with current trends or to stand out from the crowd. Here at Dental Focus Marketing we understand that maintaining successful social media platforms is a time-consuming process, which requires effort as well as knowledge on current trends in social media.

If you delegate your dental marketing and your social media to our experienced team then we will be able to take care of this for you, whilst you focus your efforts on maintaining and attending to your patients’ dental health. There are many different social media platforms available, however, unless you are a multinational dental practice you will need to carefully select which ones you would like to work with. To be able to make the most of social media for dentists your dental practice needs to choose two or three networks, so that you are able to create and distribute interesting and exciting digital content in an effective manner. With too many platforms either your content will become repetitive or you will have to lower the quality of your content to be able to create enough blogs, photos, videos and other forms of marketing to distribute amongst all the platforms. Our creative team will make sure that you have new content to upload on a regular basis to attract new viewers and potential patients all the time.

Cost-effective marketing

Another advantage is that social media for dental practices is one of the most cost-effective components of an advertising strategy. Social media platforms allow you to create a free profile and any paid advertisements are less expensive than other marketing tools. Speak to us at Dental Focus Marketing today to find out more about creating a social media profile and a strong social media presence, to help attract new patients to your dental practice and boost the success of your business.