How good dental SEO can help increase patient numbers

The importance of online marketing

Over the last two decades here at Dental Focus our multi award-winning marketing team have helped over 1000 dental practices across the country create bespoke, modern websites and maintain dental search engine optimisation (dental SEO) using our successful patient attraction system to help boost the success of the dental practice. Book a consultation with our experienced team today, and rest assured that your dental marketing is in good hands so that you can focus your time and efforts on looking after the dental health of your patients.

Everyone knows that it is important to visit their dentist on a regular basis, but with dental practices on every High Street in every town and village, how will patients know about you? In this overcrowded market, and this age of digital Technology, it is important to have a strong online presence to have any chance of surviving amongst the competition. We at Dental Focus will use our expertise to firstly create a fantastic website for your dental practice and then we will use our knowledge of dental SEO to make sure that anyone who is searching for their dental needs in your locality will come across your website first.

The important role of a good dental website

To create a successful website for your dental practice we will speak to you and find out everything about you. To make sure that we do not leave anything out, we use the 7Ps of dental marketing approach to help ensure that once a reader reaches your website, they are able to find all the information that they are looking for so that they do not have to check out what the competition may be offering. This includes addressing the profile of the dental practice and any USPs which will help you stand out from the crowd and then we will use this information to create a fantastic homepage which will be created in such a way so that it attracts the attention of the reader within the first 5 seconds and entices them to explore the rest of the website further. The remainder of the website will be made up of the people on your team and the premises of your practice itself. The website will include the treatments and procedures that you offer at your practice and the prices of these. We will showcase before and after pictures of successful treatment carried out at the practice to help address the proof and promises of quality dental care. The website will also talk about any products and services that you can individually tailor for your patients which will also help you stand out amongst the crowd.

Dental SEO

Once the website has been successfully developed, then our marketing team here at Dental Focus will continue to work to maintain dental SEO for your website. Using our knowledge and expertise we will carry out specialised techniques that will help keep your website at the top position of any Google searches that are carried out in your area with regards to the treatments and procedures that you are able to offer your patients. Speak to us at Dental Focus and find out more about our website and dental SEO, and how we can help boost the success of your dental practice today.