½ Price TikTok Setup Packages

Starter: Channel Only £360 was £720 Fuelled: Channel + 1 Video £600 was £1,200 Supercharged: Channel + 3 Videos £1,080 was £2,160 All prices shown include VAT! All packages also include: Profile Setup...

Dental Focus
06 June 2024
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Celebrating Success Together!

We are incredibly grateful to share the amazing news to all our Dental Focus clients over the 21 years since we began our story. Dental Focus won two prestigious awards...

Dental Focus
20 December 2023
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What’s your 2021 strategy?

     We want to help you make 2021 the best year yet in your dental practice! Our team is here for you, book a consultation with one of our...

Dental Focus
15 February 2021
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Facebook Pages redesigned

Have you heard the news? Facebook Pages are being redesigned! Facebook announced a huge rollout to change the Facebook Page experience for creators and public figures. But what do these...

Dental Focus
22 January 2021
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Social Media strategy during lockdown (November edition)

Are you using your Social Media during the lockdown period? There will be an undoubted increase in social media usage and as a means to help your patients pass the...

Dental Focus
10 November 2020
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#TubulesLive – Social media and video marketing

  Social media and video marketing. How things evolved. Success stories? 12 October 2020 at 7:30pm BST     As your practices recover from the set back of the COVID...

Dental Focus
05 October 2020
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Instagram for dentists – Instagram bios

When it comes to Instagram, first impressions are everything. If you want to grow your Instagram organically and gain the right kind of followers for your practice, your potential followers...

Dental Focus
27 May 2020
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Dental Circle – Life after COVID

Expert Panel Session Webinar - Life after COVID for the Dental Industry Join some of the most prominent UK dental stakeholders for the most comprehensive webinar around key topics on...

Dental Focus
30 April 2020
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Connect with patients in response to the lockdown

 Are you using social media to protect the connection with your patients? If you haven't already, now is the time for your practice to demonstrate leadership in your local community...

Dental Focus
09 April 2020
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New Facebook page updates! 4 essential changes to be aware...

If you have a Facebook business page you may have received a notification about impending changes to its layout. Don’t be alarmed, these updates are being made in favour of...

Dental Focus
20 August 2018
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Have you heard of Instagram TV?

If you weren’t aware Instagram has recently reached one billion monthly active users, up from 800 million in September 2017! [Source] Congratulations Instagram! As the rise in monthly active users...

Dental Focus
17 August 2018
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Your ad was not approved, sound familiar?

  If you have a Facebook page for your practice and have the experience of running ads or boosting posts, chances are you'll have encountered the "Your ad wasn't approved" message which...

Dental Focus
11 May 2018
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