Heard of Instagram Pods?

  An Instagram pod is a group of users who work together to artificially inflate the popularity of a post to increase its reach. These groups are on Facebook with...

Dental Focus
10 May 2018
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Create your own Hashtag

  Why is it important to use your own hashtags? Because on Instagram every hashtag has its own searchable gallery where images are displayed in two categories: ‘Top Posts’ &...

Dental Focus
09 May 2018
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Instagram tests new features [2]

The last two features Instagram is testing are: Stories reactions: These will be a quick reaction option for Stories like the option on Facebook.   Tagging Facebook Friends: The last...

Dental Focus
08 May 2018
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Instagram tests new features [1]

Instagram has been busy testing several new features to overtake Snapchat and maintain popularity. Features currently in development are: Slow motion mode: Although most phones already have the capability to...

Dental Focus
07 May 2018
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Questions for your Facebook advertising campaign

  Before you dive into an advertising campaign you’ll need to define the outcome you would like to achieve. If you are slightly unsure, these outcomes can be defined in...

Dental Focus
06 May 2018
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Ideas for your Instagram stories

  Instagram Stories are a great way of increasing the exposure of your account to new and existing followers. If you’re a practice on Instagram and struggling with ideas for...

Dental Focus
03 May 2018
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Facebook is bringing new AR Business tools to Messenger

  AR (augmented reality) has been on the rise for a number of years on social media platforms and that rise is expected to continue especially as Facebook is introducing...

Dental Focus
02 May 2018
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Are your Instagram stories being watched?

  Do you use Instagram stories? Are your stories at the top of your follower’s news feeds? Did you know the more times you post a story the harder it...

Dental Focus
29 April 2018
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Facebook requests facial recognition

  As GDPR looms, Facebook has been doing its due diligence and seeking explicit written consent from users in Europe and Canada ahead of the changes. The update to the...

Dental Focus
27 April 2018
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The key to getting ads approved

  Ever had the issue with your Facebook ads not getting approved? Unfortunately, when this happens Facebook doesn't give in-depth information on how to create a successful ad, so I've...

Dental Focus
24 April 2018
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Social Media Marketing & LinkedIn

  How many platforms are you using for your social media campaigns?   Does your strategy include LinkedIn?   As you may or may not know, LinkedIn is considered one...

Dental Focus
23 April 2018
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Posting ideas to help you stand out

  Have you ever struggled with what to post on a daily or weekly basis?  Checkout out some of these tips to help you evolve your content:  -Ask questions Everyone...

Dental Focus
22 April 2018
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