Filter your business

Dominic Haslam


Good morning, afternoon or evening.


If you are not familiar with a geofilter, it is a location-specific feature on Snapchat that allows a user to add a custom filter to their photos or videos and lets their followers know they are in a particular area or in the vicinity of a business.

For example, myself in Croydon!


Geofilters are a great way of promoting your business or event because they encourage users to engage with your brand.

An example of how a dental practice could capitalise on using a geofilter is to have their logo available to anyone who takes a snap inside the practice. Further to this, they could get users to share their snap on other social media platforms in exchange for exclusive discounts!


Do you think geofilters would be useful in your practice? Let me know in the comments below.


Please remember to Like and Share!


Dominic Haslam

Social Media Guru

Call me on 020 7183 8388 for a friendly chat!

Join me on the 28th March for my Social Media Webinar!