Posting ideas for you Dental Practice



Good morning, afternoon or evening,

In order to achieve success on Social Media, you need to be consistent and interesting.

You’ll want to make your practice and team as approachable and friendly as possible because people buy people.

Things you may want to try:

– Use photos of your practice, team, events, and patients (with explicit written consent)

– Divulge practice news such as treatment information, staff achievements, emergency contact details, blogs, finance options and testimonials.

– Showcase your knowledge of dentistry with facts, courses attended and new treatments.

– Engage with local businesses by commenting and sharing posts, take part in or host charity events.

What will you try in your practice?

Dominic Haslam

Social Media Guru

Join us on the 25th of April 6:45pm for our webinar on GDPR & websites, register here!

Learn more about Dental Social Media here

Call me on 020 7183 8388 for a friendly chat!