Social Media for Dentists – Engagement: What Does it Mean?


Social Media Engagement: What Does it Mean?


Engagement is a measure of the impact that your posts and brands make on social media, each platform has its own way of measuring this.


Social Media for dentists

Facebook: Shares, likes and followers


Instagram: Likes and followers


Twitter: Re-tweets and followers


Likes (and reactions on Facebook) and shares will tell you how popular your individual posts are with your online community, on the other hand, followers show a greater level of social investment from people as this indicates that they want to see more of your content regularly. Follows are a type of conversion, similar to when patients fill out an enquiry form on your website or make a phone call after viewing your website.


How do we maximise engagement using social media for dentists?


Competitions and Contests

  • Competitions are a great way to get lots of engagement and increase the profile of your brand with a wide audience as everybody likes free things and everybody likes to win.


Many of our clients have had fantastic results with competitions and so if you’re not doing them already you should start now! If you would like us to help you run your competitions get in touch with our Social Media Guru Dom.


Book a FREE chat with Dom – our Social Media Guru

CALL: 020 7183 8388


Be Consistent

  • It is important to appear active and responsive on social media, failing to do so can make your business appear to be inactive and may cause people to make incorrect assumptions about your practice. We have seen thriving practices with social media accounts that make them appear to be the opposite, don’t get caught out with this one and be consistent!


Use Images and Videos

  • We are living in a fast-paced visual age, people are more likely to engage with visual content as they can absorb the information more quickly than reading a wall of text.


Monitor the Data

  • Using insights on Facebook and Instagram can be a great way to see information about; how your posts are performing, the demographics of your followers and your follower growth over time. Some Social Media Management Tools will also have advanced reporting that can go as far as recommending the best times of the week and day to schedule your posts for.


Create and Maintain Local Alliances

  • Tying in your posts with other local businesses can be a great way to create mutually beneficial relationships. By tagging and sharing each other’s posts two business can expand their reach to each party’s respective followers.


For more information on our social media for dentists options contact our Social Media Guru Dom.


Book a FREE chat with Dom – our Social Media Guru

CALL: 020 7183 8388