The use of the 7Ps of Dental marketing to show off your dental practice

Dental marketing is important to help make people aware of your dental practice, the treatments and procedures that you provide, the importance of looking after their teeth and the importance of addressing dental issues early rather than later to promote good oral health for life.

Here at dental focus we are a digital dental marketing team. We help dental practices across the country put together beautiful dental websites and strong dental marketing campaigns to help find them new patients to be able to grow and expand their business in what many Perceive as an overcrowded market. We have almost 20 years of experience in helping over 1000 dental practices enjoy greater success of their business with our dental marketing campaigns.

By contacting us you will also have a unique and bespoke marketing campaign which will boost the success of your dental practice, filling up your appointment books and keeping your team happy whilst growing your business slowly but surely until you become one of the best practices in your area.

Dental marketing has changed significantly over the last two decades and whether you are a new dental practice in the area looking to find patients to build up your business or you have been firmly established for over 50 years and tend to many smiles in your area, it is important that you have a digital marketing campaign in place for your practice to build up your business or to let it continue to grow.

To design and create a bespoke marketing campaign for you here at dental focus we like to use the 7Ps of dental marketing to be able to find out all the information we need with regards to your dental practice and the business as a whole. This is important so that when we create your website it has everything that a potential patient could possibly need with regards to the dental services that you provide and also about you and the other people in your team and the practice itself, helping the patient imagine themselves in the surroundings, calming their nerves and encouraging them to book an appointment and visit you in person very soon.

What are the 7Ps of dental marketing?

The 7Ps of dental marketing begin by looking at the profile of your business. This includes name, ethos, areas of speciality and unique selling points. The next include the people on your team, the premises of your dental practice, the prices of the dental services that you offer your dental patients. The next include the prices of your treatments in comparison to those of your local competitors. Next you need to explain why people should have their dental treatments carried out at your dental practice, and in order to do this you need to be able to promise good customer service and quality dental care and show proof of carrying out these promises in the form of reviews and testimonials. The last of the 7Ps of dental marketing is the product which means the different treatment plans or smile makeovers that you may be able to put together for your dental patients which they are unable to get elsewhere. We put together all this information and this helps us create a website that is highly personalised and shows you off as an excellent dental practice rather than simply informing the patient of the treatments that you are able to provide. Contact our fantastic team here at dental focus today to find out more.