What are the best dental SEO practices for 2023?

When you run a dental surgery, you want to ensure that you are doing all that you can to help the surgery grow and become more successful.

But, in 2023, this goes far beyond simply having a surgery page and some flyers. You will need to invest in a marketing and SEO strategy that will help you to attract more patients and retain the ones you have.

If you are stuck with your marketing or dental SEO, don’t worry! Our team at Dental Focus have the required expertise to oversee this for you and will guarantee to improve your surgery online presence to get your patient list growing and your appointment book filling up.

So, what are some of the best dental SEO practices for most dental surgeries? Here is a quick guide from our team.

Use relevant keywords

Keyword research and the use of relevant keywords in your website’s content, meta tags, and URLs are vital as part of any dental SEO strategy. These keywords should accurately reflect the services your practice offers and the location of your practice, such as ‘dental implants near me’ or ‘dental implants in Enfield.’ Our team can oversee this for you and will make sure that the keywords on your page line up with the ones being searched for that week.

Optimise your website’s structure

We will make sure your website’s structure is easy to navigate and that all pages are properly indexed. This will make it simpler for search engines like Google to crawl and index your site, which will help to improve your search engine rankings.

Create valuable content

Creating valuable content that is relevant to your patients and optimised for search engines is another core part of any SEO plan. This can include blog posts (which our marketing writers can produce), informational pages, and patient reviews.

Build high-quality backlinks

Backlinks are links from other authoritative websites (like the NHS) to your dental surgery website. The higher the quality of the backlinks that your website has, the higher it will rank on Google. You can build backlinks by participating in online forums, guest blogging, and getting listed in online directories.

Mobile-friendly websites

More people than ever are using their smartphones and tablets to access the internet. So, to capitalise on this, we will make sure your website is mobile-friendly so that it can be easily accessed and navigated on all devices. This can help to improve your search engine rankings and attract more patients.

Utilise Google My Business

Google My Business is a listing service provided by the search engine Google which enables dental surgeries and other businesses to manage their online presence across Google, including search and maps. Our team will usually advocate for the use of this, as it keeps your surgery page contact information up to date.

Use social media

We will create a presence on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for your surgery and will use these platforms to connect with potential patients and promote your services.

Monitor your progress

Our team will also use analytics tools to track your website’s traffic and search engine rankings. Monitoring your progress over time will help us to make adjustments as needed to improve your marketing results.